Engagement Profile
“Sustainable learning can only occur when there is meaningful engagement”
Rochford Review : final report 2016
What is it?
The engagement Profile and scale is an assessment tool used in our school for the last two years as a result of the recommendations made by the Rochford review report.
The aim is to use this tool to plan and assess students with severe and complex difficulties who are currently working below what was commonly known as P4 level in a more meaningful way and to celebrate pupil’s achievement whatever their needs or circumstances.
Who for?
At Strathmore School we identify students across the three campuses who would benefit from this approach.
The teachers and class teams, plan engaging activities based around the students’ preferred activities and learning styles.
Students’ targets and learning activities are reviewed every week to track progress and make the necessary adjustments to ensure that learning continue to take place.
Parents are informed about the students’ progress and are asked to contribute with ideas of how to engage students at school.
Impact so far
The students who accessed the engagement scale activities and interventions during 2017-2018 made steady progress in their cognition and learning targets and staff grew confident about using the tool.
What’s next?
Our target for this year is for All students on the engagement scale to meet or exceed the expectations set up for the academic year.
We are very excited about seeing our students making progress and look forward to continue working with teachers, support staff and families to become even stronger at using this valuable assessment tool!