Occupational Therapy
In-House Occupational Therapy Service
Occupational Therapy (OT) is an integral part of Strathmore School; the OT team is directly employed by the Auriga Trust allowing us to tailor make our service to the needs of the learners within the school.
Within Strathmore school the OT service supports teachers in developing key aspects of a learner’s skills- including the following:
- Sensory Processing
- Fine Motor Skills
- Gross Motor Skills
- Motor Planning
- Visual Perception
- Self Care
Who We Are
The OT team at Strathmore school consists of two qualified Occupational Therapists and one higher level teaching assistant who has been directly trained by the Occupational Therapists.
The OT’s have over 13 years’ experience between them within peadiatrics, and have a variety of skills covering both Neuro-Developmental Therapy and Sensory Integration Therapy.
Model Of Practice
The OT service uses a combination of Integrated and Direct therapy. We are at every site across the working week. Each learner has an EHCP target linked to sensory and physical development or life skills. Some learners have sensory diets. OT targets are integrated into the learners daily routine and learning. Progress is reviewed every half-term as well as linked with the annual review process. Where needed, the child will access direct sessions with the occupational therapist.