Speech and Language Therapy
Richmond NHS Paediatric Speech and Language Therapy Service
Summary of service provided
Our service provides assessment, intervention and support for pupils who attend Strathmore School and have Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) identified on their Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health and Care Plan. At present, there are two Speech and Language Therapists and two assistants allocated to the school.
Speech and Language Therapists are involved with the development of the following skills:
- Understanding of spoken language (including the use of support strategies such as Makaton signing/ visual symbols/ pictures/ photos)
- Expressive language (including verbal communication, PECS, Makaton signing, high and low tech communication aids)
- Attention and listening
- Social communication skills
- Play and interaction
- Speech sounds
- Feeding (eating and drinking)
Assessment and Intervention
When a learner joins Strathmore School, their communication skills (and if appropriate their feeding skills) are assessed by a Speech and Language Therapist in their new setting. This includes direct work with the learner, observation in class, liaison with teaching staff and parents, and liaison with staff from their previous setting when possible.
Based on our assessment findings, a prioritisation tool is used to allocate an appropriate package of Speech and Language Therapy input to meet each learner’s communication and feeding needs. These are reviewed annually or more frequently if required.
The following services are provided in school depending on need:
- On-going assessment and monitoring of communication skills
- Devising communication programmes for learners to work on in class, and regularly reviewing and updating these programmes
- Training class staff to deliver communication strategies to learners
- Collaborative work with teaching staff to implement communication strategies and enhance the communication environment
- Learners may receive direct input from SLT/A on a 1:1, small group or whole class basis – depending on their level of need
- Setting and reviewing long and short term communication targets and ensuring these are integrated into learners EHCP and Half-termly targets.
- Providing an annual review report (and attending the annual review meeting when possible) to review progress over the year
- Training/ workshops targeting particular communication skills/ strategies for staff and parents