Inclusion activities
As we are co-located with our partner schools, The Russell School, Grey Court School, and St Richard Reynold’s Catholic College, our learners have experienced a number of opportunities to work and play with their peers in the mainstream schools. To make this beneficial for as many learners as possible, we aim to ensure that these opportunities are:
- planned, so we can ensure they take place regularly;
- meaningful, so everyone gains something from each and every activity;
- appropriate, so that learners are mixing and growing from others their own age and who are part of the local community.
Here are some of the activities we have shared so far:
- Christmas Productions
- Sports Days
- Makaton Choir Club
- Library visits
- Lunchtime and playtime visits from mainstream learners
- Some Strathmore learners having their lunch in the mainstream lunch hall
- Mainstream pupils volunteering to help with Strathmore lunchtime clubs.
We are always happy to hear about new ideas from parents or the wider community about other ways we can offer opportunities for working with our co-located schools. We are all working together to build a future that is more inclusive; a critical part of our vision is to ensure learners are active contributors to their community.